So often, procurement will be overlooked as a major value driver for the business. The focus is usually on product research, sales & marketing and manufacturing. But as purchased goods and services often represent 50 percent or more of sales, there is no better place for a company to look for a significant impact on profitability than in procurement. That takes more than a tactical approach to buying. It takes building the right organization with the appropriate skillsets; aligning with the business to support their needs; developing leading edge procurement strategies and processes; and finding and partnering with the right suppliers who perform beyond contractual terms in meeting your needs. The end result will be superior quality and enhanced profitability that can either be taken to the bottom line or provide the needed investment to leverage and grow your business for the future. Take the first step and contact me for an initial discussion on how I might work with your company. There is no commitment and I am only interested in proceeding when I see an opportunity to create significant incremental value for my clients.